Advantages of Analytics


Chapter three explores different social media strategies and tactics to help maximize social media marketing and advertising efforts. Things such as creating personas, performing social media audits, having a content strategy, etc. can boost the engagement on your posts and grow your brand’s social media presence.  


Paying attention to the analytics of your posts can help you to be more aware of what days/times to post that will result in the highest engagement, the demographics of your audience so you can formulate content marketed specifically to them, which platforms reach the most users, what type of content does best on each platform, etc. Analytics provide a plethora of details pertaining to the state of your social media, and if you understand how to interpret them correctly, you are able to use them to your advantage to help boost your account(s).


Step three, of the ten steps discussed in this chapter, dives further into this by giving specific aims such as establishing goals, objectives, and metrics. The biggest takeaway to remember with these is that each goal must have measurable objectives and metrics. By having a goal with specific objectives outlines to work towards, you are able to gauge exactly how good or bad a marketing effort was and have a clearer idea of what works and what doesn’t work for your brand.


I have found the use of interpreting post analytics to be very useful in my own work as well. In my personal experience, it can be difficult determining my target audience online because I do social media work for a golf course whose customer demographic ranges from 15-60, all with different incomes, personalities, gender, etc. With a customer demographic that varies this widely, I wasn’t sure exactly who was my target audience on social media. Based off the industry the company is in, I would have assumed across all platforms the audience is middle-aged, working-class men. However, that was not the case. By looking at the analytics I was able to see that majority of our audience on Instagram is female, aging between 19-30, while majority of our audience on Facebook is male, aging 28-46. Discovering this helped us to formulate content to post on each platform that targets each of those two audiences, which increased engagement and activity.


If anyone has similar experiences with fist-hand use of analytics in social media, in what ways have you been able to use them to your advantage? Do you use them at all? Working for local/small companies I have found that some people do not pay attention to them as much as I would have thought. Do you think analytics are important for all companies, or only the bigger brands with more ‘well-known’ names?


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