20th Birthday / ONU Housing Lottery

             This past week, I had two things going on that were a little nerve-wracking but thankfully, turned out good. The first thing was my 20th birthday. Now you might be confused why my birthday would be nerve-wracking, but I had planned to go out and celebrate with all my friends at home. My coworkers, high school friends, some of each of their friends and even my mom were all there. So, there were a lot of people. Mixing friends wasn’t the worry, it was that I was bringing my boyfriend home to meet all these people for the first time. More specifically, it was that he was meeting all my friends’ boyfriends, and we all wanted them to be best friends – so there was a lot of pressure on the guys here.

            It was a great night and a lot of fun to have everyone in one place to catch up and see each other. It was especially fun that my mom was there because all my friends love her. I think my friends were more excited to see my mom than to see me. Overall, it was a great 20th birthday.

            The second stressful event was the ONU housing lottery. My roommate and I were incredibly stressed leading up to choosing housing after last year when people didn’t get housing. Thankfully, my roommate and I weren’t affected last year by the housing complications, but mainly because we were planning on living with out friend, Delilah, who had a bunch of credits. So, we used her time slot which is how we ended up where we wanted. Delilah no longer goes to ONU, so Remi and I were on our own this year. We still had a good time this year but because of the situation last year, we were terrified that would happen to us again. Well, we knew we would get housing, we just really wanted to get a third flood apartment instead of being in Lima Hall again. The apartments also tend to go fast, but looking back we probably were simply overstressing. Fortunately, we not only got an apartment but also one on the third floor like we wanted. We really, really, REALLY did not want to deal with having upstairs neighbors. 


  1. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had an awesome time celebrating. I hope all went well with introducing your boyfriend to your hometown friends and family! I know that can be stressful sometimes, LOL! I'm also so happy that you got the apartment you wanted next year! The housing lottery seems very scary, and luckily for me, I didn't have to deal with it this year since I am living in my sorority house which is very nice. I watched my friends stress over hoping to get a triple in Lima Hall, but they did it!

  2. Happy Birthday! I was totally relating to everything in this post! Introducing my boyfriend to my friends and family was also stressful but guys tend to be easy going and all get along. I am glad everything worked out for you and the overstressing was for nothing!


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