Last Week at ONU

As I wrap up this week, I am so so so so SO excited to leave. But that’s obvious, I’ve been talking about leaving for summer for the past four weeks. Anyway, to share my last week here at ONU for my sophomore year, I’ll have bring you all back about a week. Last Thursday, my mom came down to Ada and took my boyfriend and I out to dinner. It was amazing to see my mom because I haven’t seen her since I went home for my birthday, which was a little over a month ago. That was also the last time, and only time actually, her and my boyfriend saw each other. So, dinner was really nice to catch up on, especially considering on my birthday there was a bunch of people out with us, so it wasn’t the easiest to converse with one another. This week's flowers! The rest of the week has been spent preparing to leave. Not so much ‘packing’ as in preparing, I still have not...